September 12, 2022

The key to success? The perfect WFH space

The key to success? The perfect WFH space

As more of us are working from home, making sure you have the perfect WFH space is key to keeping you focused and motivated. Whether you need clever office storage, a room with a view or you are trying to transform a small space, we’ve got plenty of ideas for you below.

Smart storage for your office

Everyone could always do with more storage in their home and a smart way to do this is by building wall cupboards and shelving. Not only do open shelving units allow you to squirrel away stationery, books, and office equipment but this exposed look adds style. This floor to ceiling navy open shelving unit will make a statement behind your desk, that means no need to be embarrassed of your zoom background anymore.

Smart storage for your office

Extend out

Think outside of the box when it comes to extending your home. If you are unable to have the space for a kitchen or conservatory, a smaller room which can be used as an office is a great alternative. This extra room means you can design your ideal home office and bedrooms can stay as they are. We love how this room is tucked away from the rest of the house for added privacy, a bonus when concentration is needed.

Extend out

Create your dream space

You don’t want your home office to be just a desk in a room. This space is where you will be spending a lot of time every day, so you need somewhere you want to go too as well as a space which will help you stay focused. Forget poor lighting, no windows and boring paint colours, create your own WFH serenity with natural lighting, soft tones, contemporary storage, and statement furniture pieces.

Create your dream space

Find creativity from home

Finding space for an office or studio can be hard, so converting your loft is a brilliant option. For someone in a creative job, having your little haven tucked away upstairs might bring you both the focus and creativity you need. Differentiating your home life and work life can be difficult when they are both in the same place, so dedicating an area like the loft is a great idea for this. Let your ideas come to life with your own home office and studio up in the sky!

Find creativity from home
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